Every week at Viking Sports Camp is exciting in its own, unique way. Through out the week at camp games like reindeer tails, messy backyard, and goalie defense are taught by our trusted team of coaches. In preparation for the week ending tournament day, campers are broken up into different teams. By the time Friday rolls around campers are broken into their teams, all ready for the competition that is to come!
Cheering, laughing and support can be heard across the gym as each team begins to tally on the points needed to compete throughout the day. With the day coming to a close one event stood between the Viking Campers and their trophies, the famed Relay Race! Weaving throughout the different gyms and stairwells each team of campers sprinted their way to the finish line, all lasting less than five minutes.
As campers, coaches and parents gathered around to hear the final results it was the Plymouth Rockets who had won the day with 126 points! Another week and another group of campers done, but the excitement continues on every week at Viking!
If you are interested in registering for camp, or any of our different sports outlets visit www.vikingcamps.com for more information!